Youth Leadership Team

Discipling youth to utilize the gifts that God has given them to be Christ-like servant-leaders.

Who Are We?

The YLT is the youth leadership team of the Salem Youth Ministry. The four main components of the team are as follows:

T - Training

E - Equipping

A - Accountability

M - Ministry

God has given youth the same gifts and talents that He has given the rest of the body of Christ. Therefore, we recognize that some are called to be leaders. The YLT is simply a program to equip youth with leadership skill and to provide genuine opportunities for them to use their skills and gifts.


You will be trained and discipled in an intentional manner through:

  • Scripture memory
  • Leadership development
  • Leadership application


You will be equipped for leadership and ministry through:

  • An understanding of your gifts and passions for ministry
  • Review of leadership resources
  • Selecting pertinent resources for you


You will be held accountable through:

  • An accountability partner also on the YLT
  • Pastor Kent
  • Turning in items on occasion


You will be involved in these areas of ministry:

  • Planning and executing youth meetings and events
  • Welcoming and including the other youth
  • Giving announcements
  • Planning and lead the game
  • Leading Take Five (Prayer)

YLT Details and Expectations

  • The commitment is through the end of May 2025.
  • There will be 1 meeting a month. You are expected to attend all meetings.
  • You will be expected to be prepared for the meetings, complete memorization on time, and serve well, especially on Wednesdays.
  • As a leader you will be held to a higher moral standard.
  • You will be expected to take your role as a youth leader seriously.

Basic Requirements for Applying:

  1. Be a growing Christian
  2. Have a good reputation at school, church, and home.
  3. Desire to serve others.
  4. Be reliable.
  5. Be committed to the total ministry of Salem Evangelical Free Church.
  6. Regular attendance at the youth group.
  7. Must be in 8th-12th grade.

Interested in Joining?