Life Groups
Life Groups are one of the primary launching pads for disciple-making relationships.
Our mission at Salem is to be “living lives of love with God, in community and on mission.” To talk about that mission, we use the imagery of the Cave + Table + Road. The Cave (where we spend personal time with the LORD), the Table (where we authentically and relationally do life together) and the Road (where we build intentional relationships with those who don’t know Jesus). We believe that if we neglect any of these our growth becomes unbalanced. Life Groups are designed to foster all three of these rhythms, but focused around the table. The Table represents the people we intentionally invite into our lives to eat both physical and spiritual meals. The Table is a key component in developing and training to multiply Jesus’ way of life.
Hopes for Table Moments:
- Stirred by Scripture together. (Ps. 1:2, 2 Tim. 3:16)
- Struggle well by being authentic in our struggles and encouraging each other toward Jesus and his ways. (Gal. 6:2, Jam. 5:16)
- Serving each other and caring for one another. (Mt. 20:28, 2 Cor. 1:3-4)
Life Groups are made of 3-15 people and meet at least twice a month. During the summer months, most Life Groups do not meet regularly, but the friendships that were started, remain throughout the year. Sometimes the group will plan “get togethers” to keep in touch. We hope that you will consider being in one of these transformative communities.
We have a few life groups that are looking for more people to join them. Click the link below if interested in joining one of these.
The Road Less Traveled
Meets weekly, on Thursdays
Share a meal and study the Bible together
Salem Vibe Tribe
Meets every other week, on Mondays
6:15 - 7:45pm
Study the Bible together
congratulations to the winners of the gingerbread house competetion: dunham's life group
thank you to all the participating groups!
If you are interested in finding out more about current life groups, click below to fill out a form and let us know what type of group you would be interested in! We will do our best to work with you to find a group that will fit your needs and personality!